martes, 15 de julio de 2014

Alfeniz Madarroaga's Dairy (2nd part)

The last month has been really hard for all of us. We have had problem with the lack of food. Finally, Cortés had decided to go ashore.
When we took land, some days ago, we camp near a city called Potochán.  I don't know why but we are preparing for a battle. Pedro de Alvarado, my close friend, explained me that the idea of Cortés is to rescue some spanish soldiers. I can't understand correctly whats it's happening here. I think there is something more behind this decission. This natives are really friendly. 

Anyway, the last week I have talked to many soldiers and sailors about the disease, but I didn´t find anything useful, only the things I just know. However, I notice that the natives of this land are getting sick with the smallpox and dying faster than the spanish people. I will investigate this events, but now I must prepare myself for healing war bounded. I hope I don't die in this crazy adventure.

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